
Golden 50.

Today's GOLDEN 50th post.
Since I have been spending a lot of time with EMILIE,
I thought I would blog about our most recent day together.
Last Friday we spend the entire day together
9:00 am 'til 1:00 am.
We started off with a nice good long walk at the beach.
The weather was perfect there.
We then came home and cleaned out my car and played some {Disney} DDR.
After which we showered and got ready for the day.
Later on we went to Central park and had a photo shoot there.
It was so beautiful.
{Pictures below.}
We then went to visit our friend Sean at work.
After which we came home and had some margherita pizza. {YUM!}
While we watched some olypmic curling...confusing sport.
We then went to Yo Yum Yum and went to our friend Jordans to eat it.
Such a fun-filled day with Emilie!

{Make a silly face.
Emilie is the QUEEN of silly faces.}
{"OH! Get a picture of me up on the stage.
I'm a rockstar."}
{"I'm flying!"}
{"Pretend you are at a concert."
"Okay...here it goes."}
{"Watch me NOT fall."}
{Model shot.}
{"I'm a tree!"}
A friend is one who knows you
and loves you just the same.
Elbert Hubbard

E=MC2 all the way!



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