
I won the....LOTTERY!!

Okay...not really.
But, it sorta feels like it.
Instead of the Lottery,
I won this.....!!
So it isn't the lottery.
But, I sure do LOVE target.
I don't even need to have a reason for going there.
I just go.
Today I bought a few supplies that were needed.
When I was checking out
the lady handed me a free
$5 Gift Card.
Alright, so it isn't that much
but its something.
I am just stoked I got something for FREE!!

Today has been good, so far.
Let's keep that going.


The Good Things.

The Good Things that have:
a. Have Happened.
b. Happening Right now.
c. Soon To Happen.

1. I got into the 3 classes that I needed to get into for the Summer.
2. Conference is this weekend!!
3. I still have my 2 jobs.
(Not that I was going to get fired or anything.)
4. My friends from home are coming to visit me this weekend.
5. I have a clean room.
6. I get to go home in 10 days.
(Almost to single digits!)
7. Erin and Mike get married in: 12 days!
8. Heidi and Steven get married in: 47 days!
9. I have the best boyfriend ever.
And I love him.
10. I can't wait to see my family!!
11. The sun has been coming out more.

The Lord continues to bless me with good things.

Life is Good.



I have to take the Math Placement Test at UVU.
I cannot take College Algebra there until I have taken the placement test.
Hopefully I will do well and will test in to College Algebra.
If I do not (and I test into something lower-which will stink)
then I will be put back another semester of school.
I am just frustrated with all this.
I am currently taking practice tests to help me.
Hopefully, everything goes well.
Cross your fingers and say a little prayer that I do well


2 weeks from today I will be traveling
back home to California
for Team Sanitagos Wedding
(aka Erin and Mike).
14 days til California.
16 days til the Wedding.
How exciting!!
Party Weekend!!


Color Me Mine.

Last night, Blake and I went to Color Me Mine.
We were there for almost three hours.
He painted a dunk mug.
There is room for cookies and milk.
I painted a bowl for my pasta.
They are so cute.
And so are we!
Is it okay to say that?
Well, I just did.
I love him!!

Have a great week.

"What Just Happened?" Stories.

On Friday I went in to work at 5:30 to finish covering for someone.
I worked alone from 5:30-7:00 until my coworkers came at 7:00.
That first hour and a half was so interesting.
At about 6:00(ish) Blake brought me some food
(side note: he is so good to me).
He stayed for a few minutes and about 5 minutes after he got there,
a grandma came up to me and said
"My grandson just threw up. I am so sorry!
We had no idea it was coming."
WHAT?! Are you serious?!
I went to the back to get the mop and bucket.
While I was back there I was thinking...
"Shoot!! How am I going to do this?
I am ALONE and there is a line out there."
It was pretty busy at that time.
When I got out there Blake was so kind
and offered to clean up the mess for me,
so that I could ring people up.
I am so grateful that he was there and could help me.
If I would have cleaned up that mess I probably would have just
added to the mess.
My boss called a little after it happened and I told him the whole story.
He told me that Blake could have a free ice cream on him.
Which meant....free ice cream for me too!!
(And its still in my freezer. YUM!)

I will do my best to tell this next story.
Its a little hard to type out.
So much better in person.
About 30 minutes after the throw up incident
a girl came in and we had about a 5 minute conversation.
At this point, everyone was sitting down and enjoying their ice cream.
When this girl came in she seemed pretty nervous.
Her hands were shaking and she was
stuttering over almost all of her words.
We will call her "Katie".
Here is how our conversation went:
Katie: Are you accepting...no thats not what I want to ask.
Me: Accepting applications?
Katie: No. I want to ask if you are hiring right now.
Me: Yes, I believe we are. We are always
accepting applications. You can just find
those online.
Katie: But are you hiring ri.....I am sorry
I don't usually do this. I am normally wearing a
long coat. I just don't feel secure right now.
Most people tell me that I look fat
when I don't have my coat on.
(And let me say this, she was not fat.)
So I tried to boost her up...
Me: Oh girl...you are not fat.
You look great.
Katie: Stop! Don't say that.
Me: But its true. You aren't.
Katie: Don't just tell me that.
Me: Don't believe others.
Don't let them tell you something like that.
(This girl obviously had self confidence issues.)
Katie: Do these look sticky?
(Talking about her pants. They were black dress pants.)
Me: Excuse me?
Katie: Do these pants look too tight?
Me: Oh no! Not at all.
Katie: No, I mean...No! I can't ask a total stranger this.
Me: You can ask me. It's okay.
Katie: Can you look?
(She turns around for me to look at the back.)
Me: No they look fine.
(At this point I was so confused at what was going on.
Was this girl trying to get me to compliment her-
even though she wouldn't accept it? OR
was she really trying to apply?)
Me: I'll tell you what! I want you to apply.
Katie: I already applied before and didn't hear anything back.
Me: Well, when did you apply?
Katie: I can't remember. My sense of time is really bad.
I could say I recently did something and it was 3 weeks ago
or I could say it and it was 3 seconds ago.
Me: Well, how about you apply again then?
Katie: Oh I am going to.
(She starts to put in her headphones and back up.)
Me: Apply and IF you get an interview...KNOCK 'EM DEAD!
(And she just walks off.)
After she left I couldn't tell if I was in a dream or a movie.
Was this really real life?
Did this just happen?
I was in shock that I just experienced that.
I felt so bad for this girl.
I wish there were something that I could've done to help her out.

Thanks for tuning in to my interesting stories from work.

Happy Sunday :)


Sundays are my favorite day.
It gives me time to focus more on what is really important.
And also to relax and prepare for the next week.
Today at church we talked a lot about SERVICE.
After todays lessons, I realized I need to be better at serving others.
I love the scripture Mosiah 2:17

"And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom;
that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings
ye are only in the service of your God."

I am challenging myself to do little acts of service all week.
I need to forget about myself and serve.
Its important to remember that Christ always served,
and if we are striving to become like Him then
we will serve others always.
Christ was a perfect example of service.


Today I also took about a 4 hour nap.
I worked a 32 hour week and I am just so exhausted from this week.

Stay tuned for a later post of an interesting 1 1/2 hours of work.


I love...

With my new goal of always being positive...
I have been thinking of things that i LOVE.

1. I love SPAGHETTI!!
(Yes, I just ate a bowl and it is 12:30 am)
2. I love that I have such a loving family.
3. I love being so happy!!
4. I love looking at old pictures.
(which I miss doing at home.)
5. I love cuddling up in a blanket.
6. I love being a member of
7. I love being able to get a sweet discount at my works.
(where one I can get all the ice cream/custard/frozen yogurt that I want.)
8. I love being busy with work and school.
9. I love my besties Maelen and Milla.
10. I love being in love. I love Blake!!
(he is the sweetest boyfriend EVER.)
11. I love Peeps.
12. I love {getting} flowers.
13. I love Sundays.
(favorite day of the week.)
14. I love being surrounded by good, happy people.

And the list goes ON and ON...

Until next time...
Stay Happy!!

Oh and P.S. I am a new supervisor at one of my jobs!!
Oh Happy Day!! :)



HAPPY 3.14 DAY!!
(aka PI day)
(Celebration of PI day last year)

Go out and buy yourself a PIE!!!!

Half-Full OR Half-Empty?

Recently, I have been thinking about being more positive.
Yesterday my home teachers came over and gave us a message about
looking at the glass half full and not half empty.
Which is exactly what I had been thinking about earlier.
So, it seems that this is what I really need to do.
Often, I go to work and I don't want to be there.
The people make a mess and are rude.
My boss watches us on the cameras.
We have to constantly be doing something
(which gets tiring, when you just want a quick break).
Yes, I know this is my job and I knew what I was getting myself into.
But, come on. Really?
Well, with all of this...
I am going to strive to go into work with a positive outlook.
I am going to make sure I always have a good time.
I will make it fun.
I know that if I go into work with a good attitude
I will definitely have a better time.
Not only am I going to take this "half-full glass" outlook
to work with me...
But I will also take it to school, church, and everywhere else with me.
I will be a much happier person if I have a positive outlook
with everything that I do.

Pictures of the day:

May your glass always be half-full.