The Good Things that have:
a. Have Happened.
b. Happening Right now.
c. Soon To Happen.
1. I got into the 3 classes that I needed to get into for the Summer.
2. Conference is this weekend!!
3. I still have my 2 jobs.
(Not that I was going to get fired or anything.)
4. My friends from home are coming to visit me this weekend.
5. I have a clean room.
6. I get to go home in 10 days.
(Almost to single digits!)
7. Erin and Mike get married in: 12 days!
8. Heidi and Steven get married in: 47 days!
9. I have the best boyfriend ever.
And I love him.
10. I can't wait to see my family!!
11. The sun has been coming out more.
The Lord continues to bless me with good things.
Life is Good.
: )