
Half-Full OR Half-Empty?

Recently, I have been thinking about being more positive.
Yesterday my home teachers came over and gave us a message about
looking at the glass half full and not half empty.
Which is exactly what I had been thinking about earlier.
So, it seems that this is what I really need to do.
Often, I go to work and I don't want to be there.
The people make a mess and are rude.
My boss watches us on the cameras.
We have to constantly be doing something
(which gets tiring, when you just want a quick break).
Yes, I know this is my job and I knew what I was getting myself into.
But, come on. Really?
Well, with all of this...
I am going to strive to go into work with a positive outlook.
I am going to make sure I always have a good time.
I will make it fun.
I know that if I go into work with a good attitude
I will definitely have a better time.
Not only am I going to take this "half-full glass" outlook
to work with me...
But I will also take it to school, church, and everywhere else with me.
I will be a much happier person if I have a positive outlook
with everything that I do.

Pictures of the day:

May your glass always be half-full.

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