

Behind todays weird and random blog there is a story....

As you can see todays blog is about E.T. {The extra-terrestrial}
Today I was sitting in my American Lit class when some kid sneezed.
The teacher said "Bless you."
The student responded with the normal... "thank you."
This seems like nothing...but the voice this kid had was E.T.'s voice.
The second I heard him say this I cringed.
Ever since I was a little girl I have been afraid of E.T.
He is just so ugly looking and I couldn't stand listening to his voice.
I always thought he was under my bed.
And when I went to sleep at night I thought he was going
to come out from under my bed and attack me.
To this day I don't like to watch E.T.

1 comment:

  1. girl i'm with you. no e.t. phone home. heidi phone home when she sees e.t. because it freaks her out.

    .enough 3rd person. i don't like e.t.
