On Friday I went in to work at 5:30 to finish covering for someone.
I worked alone from 5:30-7:00 until my coworkers came at 7:00.
That first hour and a half was so interesting.
At about 6:00(ish) Blake brought me some food
(side note: he is so good to me).
He stayed for a few minutes and about 5 minutes after he got there,
a grandma came up to me and said
"My grandson just threw up. I am so sorry!
We had no idea it was coming."
WHAT?! Are you serious?!
I went to the back to get the mop and bucket.
While I was back there I was thinking...
"Shoot!! How am I going to do this?
I am ALONE and there is a line out there."
It was pretty busy at that time.
When I got out there Blake was so kind
and offered to clean up the mess for me,
so that I could ring people up.
I am so grateful that he was there and could help me.
If I would have cleaned up that mess I probably would have just
added to the mess.
My boss called a little after it happened and I told him the whole story.
He told me that Blake could have a free ice cream on him.
Which ice cream for me too!!
(And its still in my freezer. YUM!)
I will do my best to tell this next story.
Its a little hard to type out.
So much better in person.
About 30 minutes after the throw up incident
a girl came in and we had about a 5 minute conversation.
At this point, everyone was sitting down and enjoying their ice cream.
When this girl came in she seemed pretty nervous.
Her hands were shaking and she was
stuttering over almost all of her words.
We will call her "Katie".
Here is how our conversation went:
Katie: Are you thats not what I want to ask.
Me: Accepting applications?
Katie: No. I want to ask if you are hiring right now.
Me: Yes, I believe we are. We are always
accepting applications. You can just find
those online.
Katie: But are you hiring ri.....I am sorry
I don't usually do this. I am normally wearing a
long coat. I just don't feel secure right now.
Most people tell me that I look fat
when I don't have my coat on.
(And let me say this, she was not fat.)
So I tried to boost her up...
Me: Oh are not fat.
You look great.
Katie: Stop! Don't say that.
Me: But its true. You aren't.
Katie: Don't just tell me that.
Me: Don't believe others.
Don't let them tell you something like that.
(This girl obviously had self confidence issues.)
Katie: Do these look sticky?
(Talking about her pants. They were black dress pants.)
Me: Excuse me?
Katie: Do these pants look too tight?
Me: Oh no! Not at all.
Katie: No, I mean...No! I can't ask a total stranger this.
Me: You can ask me. It's okay.
Katie: Can you look?
(She turns around for me to look at the back.)
Me: No they look fine.
(At this point I was so confused at what was going on.
Was this girl trying to get me to compliment her-
even though she wouldn't accept it? OR
was she really trying to apply?)
Me: I'll tell you what! I want you to apply.
Katie: I already applied before and didn't hear anything back.
Me: Well, when did you apply?
Katie: I can't remember. My sense of time is really bad.
I could say I recently did something and it was 3 weeks ago
or I could say it and it was 3 seconds ago.
Me: Well, how about you apply again then?
Katie: Oh I am going to.
(She starts to put in her headphones and back up.)
Me: Apply and IF you get an interview...KNOCK 'EM DEAD!
(And she just walks off.)
After she left I couldn't tell if I was in a dream or a movie.
Was this really real life?
Did this just happen?
I was in shock that I just experienced that.
I felt so bad for this girl.
I wish there were something that I could've done to help her out.
Thanks for tuning in to my interesting stories from work.
Happy Sunday :)