
Gimpy is in the house!!

Oh no worries everyone!!
I just have a sprained ankle.
Let me just inform you on how this happened.
Wednesday, I went to school.
It was just a normal day.
Walking down the stairs to class.
And what happens?
I lose my footing on the last two steps.
Usually when this happens...I am totally fine.
But, this time it totally did it.
So I go throughout the day thinking I was going to be totally fine.
Thinking oh its probably only a twist.
And then it started to get REALLY bad that night.
I went to the doctor on Thursday morning
and the doctor came to the conclusion that I have a high ankle sprain.
(Apparently, this is worse than a low ankle sprain.)
I go back in a few weeks to find out if the xray shows a fracture
or if its just the way my bone is shaped.
The doctor put me in a boot and gave me crutches.
My reaction was priceless when I was told to wear a boot.
One of those face like:
"Are you kidding me? This is the worst news right now.

I am not able to work at one job.
I am still able to work at one.
I guess it is nice to have a little break,
but hopefully I will be back soon!
It is killing me not being able to
do all the thing that I need to do.

I am so grateful for everyone that is helping me out with this injury.
Whether it be giving me company, giving me rides, bringing me food, etc.
I really appreciate everyones love and help.

I am learning lots of things from this injury.
This is a blessing in my life.
And I am grateful for it.

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