December and January have been wonderful months.
No School. Which means...
Plenty of days with my friends.
{Claire. Shane. Veronica. Sam.}
We have had so many fun times this month.
Here are some of our memories...
{The day Sam and Nolan got there mission calls.
Sam is going to Japan. Reports April 7.
Nolan is going to Illinois. Reports February 17.

{I LOVE going to breakfast at Ruby's on the Pier.
SOOO...I dragged my friends there. :)
They loved it of course.}

{We spent a whole day at Knott's Berry Farm.}

{A day in Big Bear...actually a few hours.
We went sledding and had some fun.}

{One night we went down to the Wedge.
Sometimes....we do crazy stuff.}

{Veronica and I stayed the night at Claires house.
And had a photo shoot with all the lights off.
Let's just say it was one of the best nights for all of us.}

{One sunday night we were all lying on the floor...
AND this is what happened.
Enough said with these pictures.}

{Sam took us to Montebello to get "THE BEST" chocolate milk.
Later we find out that you can just buy it at a local grocery store.
BUT-the drive was fun and I am glad he took us there.
FUN experience.}

More memories to come in the next couple months
{before Sam leaves us.}
I love my friends <3