I title this post Sweet&Sour because
of all the good or bad that is happening in my life.
Maybe some of the bad isn't as bad as it can be...
but it could always be better.
I know that I am going through the "bad" because
I am going to learn more about me and
so that I can grow closer to my Heavenly Father.
I know we all go through our hard times.
And there is always a reason for it.
And we usually do not know why we go through it,
but Heavenly Father knows.
We just have to put all of our faith in Him and trust him
that everything is going to be okay.
So that is what I am doing.
I am trusting my Heavenly Father that he will comfort me.
I will start with the sour and end with the sweet.
1. Homesick.
This past weekend I have been missing home so much.
It's crazy how much.
I am dying to see my family&myBFF.
(You know who you are. I wish I could see both.)
But, only 11 days until my mom comes to visit.
And 47 days until I go home.
I know that as I struggle with being away from my family&friends,
Heavenly Father will comfort me.
2. Dreams of work.
When I first started working at one of my jobs,
I would have dreams that I was stuck cleaning after closing.
Last night, I had a crazy dream that I was cleaning until 4 am.
I was feeling stressed and worried about it.
It was horrible.
Thankfully, Blake helped me through it in the middle of the night.
(He is so good to me).
Hopefully, these dreams will stop,
so that I can get more than 3 or 4 hours of sleep.
3. Stink bomb goes off at work.
Yeah, you read it right.
Last night at about 10:25 there was a loud BANG!
Someone set off a stink bomb in our work.
I was a bit ticked just because I had been working since 12:30
and I was so tired.
We opened both doors to air it out.
Everyone that was inside, left the place.
(I don't blame them though. It smelled so bad.)
My boss confirmed who had did this.
(Good thing my boss has EIGHT cameras in the place.)
Surprisingly, three girls who were probably in there early/mid 20's.
How immature.
I'd expect that from middle schoolers and maybe high schoolers...
but college girls?
At least the stink went away.
1. BYU Basketball Game.
That is right...I am attending the Cougs game on Wednesday.
Blake was so kind enough to get us tickets.
Fortunately, I was able to switch shifts at work with someone.
I am excited to go.
As Blake would say...we are going to the JIMMER show.
2. Church.
Its always amazing to me that when I am struggling
all the messages at Church are perfect for me.
Its like they were made just for me.
And today was just that.
It felt as if one of the speakers was speaking directly to me.
The message on the program was what I needed.
And the other lessons were applied to what I needed also.
I love this gospel and all the little blessings it brings to my life.
3. Blake.
He has been so sweet to me.
He is always there when I need him most.
He treats me so well.
He knows just how to get me to smile and be happy.
I feel so lucky to have him.

4. TWO engaged sisters.
Yes, thats right.
Both of my older sisters are engaged.
Erin and Mike got engaged in January.
Heidi and Steven got engaged TODAY!!

Congrats to both of my lovely sisters and brother-in-laws.
Love you all.
5. Going HOME in...
47 days.
I am excited for Erin and Mikes Wedding.
I am especially excited to see all my family.
I don't know whether this one is sweet or sour.
So I'd say its both...
1. Crazy Work Schedule.
I am grateful and so blessed that I have two jobs.
But, the hours I work on the weekends get crazy.
Saturday is the worst...
12:30-5 at one place and 7:00-12ish at the other.
I am physically exhausted by the end of the day and just tired.
My jobs are really busy and fun though.
I am grateful.
I feel so blessed for everything that I have in my life.
The good and the bad.