Today I dedicate my blog to...
The best dog ever.
The past weekend was hard.
After Buckmans last surgery he started to go downhill.
And over the past week he didn't want to eat or drink.
We would have to stand/sit right by him to get him to put food or water down him.
He started getting even more lazy.
We started to get really worried.
Over this past weekend things got worse.
Buckman didn't move much.
We would have to force him up to go to the bathroom.
If he ate or drank too much then he would throw it up.
He was struggling to breathe.
His breathing got really heavy.
Mom took him into the vet on Friday to get some bloodwork done.
They told us they didn't see anything.
The entire weekend Bucky kept going downhill.
We were hoping for a miracle and that we would wake up one morning with him being fine.
But...we never got that.
We decided that since he was in pain and struggling it would be best to take him in and put him to sleep.
This was the hardest thing.
Buckman had become part of our family.
So in honor of Buckman...
here are some memories.

He always loved to sleep.
He loved how we threw him a party for his 9th birthday.
He loved his summer shaves.
Isn't he so handsome?
He loved hanging out with the girls.
He just loved pinky....

and mut.
(yes we named them)
He loved walks at the beach.
He loved when people pet him.
He loved to cuddle.
He loved to hold his ball in his mouth and not do anything with it.
He loved opening presents.
He loved milkbone time.
He loved going on walks...
and stopping at the end of the street.
He loved greeting people when they came to the door.
(aka barking at them)
He loved when we would finally come home after a long day or vacation.
He loved family prayer time.
And those "byebye" trips in the car with mom.
He loved them.
He was always so excited to be able to run errands with mom.
And he loved his family.
We love you Bucky.
You will be missed.