Today is my Golden 100th post!!
Yay!...I made it :)
Today's post will be about the things that I am looking forward to most in the future
1. Dance at Wild Rivers tonight.
It's going to be a big YSA dance.
I haven't been to a dance in a LONG time,
so I am excited about this.
I need to get my grooove on :)
2. 5 days until the river.
My family and I are driving to the colorado river on thursday evening
That means 2 days of soaking up the sun, relaxing, and playing.
I am stoked for that.
{plus, we get to see Heidi}

3. Only 2 more weeks until biology is over.
Phew! I have made it through 4 weeks...
2 will be nothing.
Just gotta push through these 2 weeks.
It can be done. and WILL be done.

4. BEACH days are coming my way.
Since school will be over in 2 weeks...
the beach will see much of me (i hope)
August is the month for me to relax and go to the beach and have fun with friends,
since I can't do that all that much now.
5. Last semester at Golden West.
This fall will be my final semester.
I will graduate and move on with my AA.
I am excited :)
6. Moving to Utah.
The plan is to move to Utah in 6 months,
and go to UVU!
Where I will enter the Elementary Education program.
Crazy to think I am going to be leaving home.
{see you soon Heidi}
7. More massages.
For my birthday, Claire and Veronica took me to get a massage.
Since we enjoyed it so much,
we are going to go for Veronica's birthday at the end of August.
I am looking forward to that so much.
8. Blake coming home!!
He will be coming home in 2 months (sept. 16).
These two years have flown by (for the most part).
I am excited to see him <3
Have a rockin' weekend!! :)
( i know i will)