Moment to Remember.

I am a huge slacker.
Being so busy these days hasn't left me much time to blog.
But, I thought I probably give a little update on my life.
1. School is crazy.
There are only 9 more school days left.
So finals are coming up quick.
2. I went to disneyland....
for maybe one of the last times in a while.
Emilie, Cody, Donovon, and I had a fabulous fun night.
It wasn't too crowded because it rained earlier in the day.
3. I threw a party for Maelens 18th birthday with Milla.
We had it at the church.
Played indoor soccer.
Had music playing.
Danced the night away.
Played wii/just dance.
Ate yummy desserts.
It was a definite fun night.
4. Things I am grateful for.
Since I missed my thanksgiving blog...
here are some things I am grateful for.
1. Family
2. The Gosepl
3. Friends
4. Education
5. My Testimony
6. My home
7. Daily meals
8. My way of transportation
9. My job
And so much more.
5. Moving soon.
I move in 30 days!!
Its insane how fast it has come up.
It is so close.
I am super excited!!
See you soon Heidi :)
6. Piano Recital.
Its that time of year again.
And this time...its the last time.
I am putting on my very last piano recital.
Many of my students ask if I have to move and if I can just stay here.
I tell them that I have to go.
And they get all sad...so that makes me so incredibly sad.
Monday will be a night that breaks my heart.
I love all of my students so much and I will miss them all.
7. Other than school…
I am having fun with friends.
There is only so much time that I have left with my friends here.
Gotta live it up!!

Wacky Weekend.